Work with us


Russalt is the largest salt producer in Russia and the CIS countries. We believe the only way to create the best is to do the job perfectly.
Head of HR and Communications Department
Nikonova Nina Nikolaevna
For recruitment questions:
+7 (3532) 34-23-54
For training and development:
+7 (3532) 34-23-53

Why choose us?

Employee development

Constant improvements and changes in the Company activities and the implementation of a variety of projects form a natural environment for the development and growth of employees.

Successful solution of the set tasks requires constant improvement of professional level, development of corporate and managerial competencies. To do this, the company Russalt conducts a variety of training and development programs. Company employees improve their skills at leading training centers in the country and the region, attend professional conferences and seminars, and study according to specially developed corporate programs. The main institute for professional training of employees is the Russalt Training Center, which holds a license for educational activities.

The company is actively developing its training facility, annually updating and increasing the list of training programs. Russalt implements mentoring programs both for new employees and trainees, as well as for employees undergoing training as part of the talent pool and during retraining. For many years Russalt has been running a competitive program of higher and secondary vocational education in the most demanded specialties for the Company. This opportunity is available to every employee who has participated in the competitive selection process.

Social guarantees

Social guarantees
Voluntary health insurance (VHI) program, periodic
and in-depth medical examinations
Compensation of expenses for food
Summer recreation campaign for employees' children
Participation in corporate and cultural and leisure events
Free delivery to the workplace
and back
New Year gifts for
employees' children
Financial assistance in different situations
Extra days of vacation
in different situations
Lump sum remuneration in
connection with retirement

Geography of presence

Geography of presence

Information corner employer