Social Policy

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Charity is an integral part of Russalt activity. Each year, the company allocates significant funds to various charitable causes.

Charity and social activities

Charity is an integral part of Russalt activity. Each year, the company allocates significant funds to various charitable causes.

For 2021, the total amount of deductions reached over 560 million rubles. This amount included social investments, traditional charity, as well as targeted assistance to individuals.

For the period of 2017-2021 Russalt paid about 843.4 million rubles as gratuitous financial assistance, 567.3 million rubles of which was paid only in 2021.

Every year the Company actively participates in the social life of the Orenburg region, Astrakhan region, Irkutsk region, Tula region, financing construction, overhaul, etc. of socially significant objects of these regions.

the amount of deductions for 2021 is
Russalt provides annual systematic support for many areas of public non-profit activities in the Orenburg, Astrakhan, Irkutsk and Moscow regions.

Russalt has been actively developing throughout its existence the another direction – financial support in almost all spheres of life.

Also in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is actively spreading throughout the country, Russalt did not stand aside. Under the leadership of the company’s Director S.V. Chernyi, it actively participated in financing measures aimed at counteracting the spread of coronavirus infection, in particular, it was purchased expensive equipment and medicines for the local infectious diseases hospital in the amount of 14.5 million rubles, which largely helped to save much lives in the Orenburg region.

the amount of financing the anti-covid events is
Russalt provides financial support for a permanent basis for the development and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and mass sports. For the period from 2017 to 2021 the total amount of such assistance increased to 197 million rubles, also Russalt fully financed construction of the Martial Arts Center in Orenburg, which would become a house of sports school No. 11, the grand opening of which took place in April 2021. The amount of investments was about 167.7 million rubles. In 2016 the company signed a Donation Agreement with the Head of Orenburg.
The sports facility, unique for Orenburg, was built in the classical style of Japanese datsens. The Center has a large sports arena that meets international standards, as well as a functional training hall, locker rooms with showers for athletes, medical and administrative offices.
In 2021 the Company financed the construction of a unique cooling tower on Varnichny Island in Usolye-Sibirskoye, where it will be possible to inhale salty air similar to marine one.

In October 2021 the Company entered into a donation agreement for the construction (reconstruction, overhaul) of real estate objects of the Dynamo sports complex in the amount of at least 100 million rubles. In November the Company entered into an agreement on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports with the Administration of the city of Orenburg in order to innovatively develop the infrastructure in the field of physical culture and sports, improve the material base of the educational processes of the Municipal Autonomous Institution «Sports School No. 11 named after E.N. Tsoi», etc.

Russalt is also actively involved in financing events in the field of education, science, culture and art, so for the period from 2017 to 2021, the Company allocated 104.3 million rubles to this area. For several years the Company has been participating in the overhaul of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution in Usolye-Sibirskoye «Middle Comprehensive School No. 8 named after A.A. Razgulyaev», in particular, in 2017 0.84 million rubles were allocated for the overhaul of the catering unit and canteen.

In 2020 Russalt entered into an agreement with the Administration of the «Akhtubinsky district» Municipality of the Astrakhan region for the construction of a Kindergarten in the village of Nizhniy Baskunchak in the amount of 60 million rubles. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of February 2022.

Also career guidance tours for schoolchildren and students, university graduates are regularly held at the production facilities and professionals taking, courses on changing professions and acquiring new skills.
The head of the company, Sergei Chernyi, is also widely known as a benefactor, philanthropist and socially responsible businessman, respected by all inhabitants of his region. So soon a new infectious diseases hospital will start operating in the region, a third of personal funds for which Sergei Chernyi allocated and he actually became the initiator of the construction of a new hospital, uniting other entrepreneurs in a socially useful cause. The Chernyi family created a charitable foundation that provides support in the treatment of children and youth, as well as reconstructed and turned into a modern office the mill building of the merchant Zaryvnov with a century of history.

The Russalt office project in a historical building received international and Russian awards for its careful attitude and successful adaptation of an industrial architecture monument. For an active social position and the implementation of charitable projects in the capital of the Orenburg Region, Sergei Chernyi was awarded the Public Recognition of «Person of the Year» in Orenburg, earlier he was also awarded the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» of the II degree, the distinction «Honor and Glory» of the I degree, the medal of the Order «For Merit to the Astrakhan Region», etc.

Socially significant projects
As a result of participation in the Belgrade Forum on Optimal Nutrition of the population with iodine, Russaltl intends to start practical methods of solving this problem.