Environment Protection

About us

Works in the field of environmental protection

Environmental protection

Aware of our responsibility to ensure environmental safety and striving to achieve high results in the field of ecology, reduce the negative impacts of our activities on the environment, Russalt takes all necessary organizational and technical measures in this direction.

The basis of the company’s environmental safety is created by industrial environmental control. Thus, within the framework of industrial environmental control, the subdivisions of Russalt carry out regular analytical monitoring of atmospheric air pollution level and the level of exposure to industrial noise, control over compliance with sanitary and environmental requirements when handling waste, etc.


In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, Russol has developed regulatory environmental documentation. Including Waste Generation Standards and Waste Disposal Limits, permissible emission standards, Projects of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ), Measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air during periods of adverse meteorological conditions, Regulations, instructions and other documents duly agreed with the regulatory authorities.

Environmentally competent management and implementation of production processes of Russalt is achieved, among other things, through regular training of company employees in the field of environmental safety and waste management.

The result of the implementation of organizational and technical measures based on strict compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources and aimed at preventing adverse effects of production activities on humans and the environment is the high level of environmental safety of Russalt, confirmed in during inspections by supervisory authorities.

Emissions reduced by
359 tons
Emissions reduced by
359 tons
Environment Protection

Environmental policy

The activity of any industrial enterprise is inevitably associated with impact on environmental components.
In order to reduce the impact on the environment, we constantly identify, evaluate and manage elements of our activities

The main principle of the company's activities organization is the principle of sustainability, which is based on taking into account the long-term environmental consequences of the economic decisions made today.

Russalt sets itself the following main tasks to ensure the environmental safety of production:
  • compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation
  • minimizing environmental impact
  • rational use of natural resources based on the best available technologies
  • continuous improvement of environmental performance
  • safe waste management
The basic mechanisms for the implementation of these tasks are: