Vacancies are open at the central office of the company RUSSALT in Orenburg


The head office of RUSSALT is located in Orenburg in a historic building, perfectly preserved, thanks to the efforts of the company, a monument of industrial architecture. Today it is a modern office of the largest salt producer in Russia. The main activities of the RUSSALT Company are the extraction, production, and sale of edible and technical salt. As a result of the reorganization carried out in 2008, the company united three of the most powerful salt deposits, the explored reserves of which amount to millions of tons. By the way, in the Orenburg region there is also one of the places of salt production – the Iletsk deposit with the famous salt mines and a modern salt processing factory.

In the video clip, we told in more detail how the central office of RUSSALT works from the inside and how salt is mined and processed at the Iletsksol central distribution center in the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg Region.

Today, quite a lot of young people work at the company’s central office. This is a feature of the activities of the RUSSALT society: we willingly take children for internships, we hire them immediately after graduation, we develop a mentoring system and grow valuable personnel ourselves.

The building on Zwillinga, where the company’s headquarters is located,  has an interesting historical origin.

In 1894, the merchant Ivan Zaryvnov built the largest four-story steam mill in Russia. Over time, a boiler house appeared there, electricity was supplied and iron tracks were built. So in the 20th century a flour mill was located here.

By the 21st century, the management of RUSSALT bought this building and began to convert it into an office building. The future office was designed by T+T Architects in collaboration with Mealhouse Concept Design. The loft style was chosen.

The work on the building lasted 4 years. The finished office was handed over in 2014, but even before it was accepted, the project received the International Property Awards, which is rare for our country. To date, the Orenburg office includes 19 divisions. More than 130 specialists work here.

Do you dream of working in such an office and becoming a RUSSALT specialist? The company’s HR department said that now we offer several interesting offers in the labor market. For example, RUSSALT in Orenburg requires a programmer, a tax specialist, a sales manager. By the way, in these specialties, the company is ready to accept employees without experience – graduates of higher educational institutions in 2020-2021 & nbsp; Vacancies are also open for managers – resumes can be sent to those who are ready to head the HR department, become the chief mechanic or chief power engineer of the Company. There are key positions in the management and divisions of RUSSALT in the Irkutsk, Astrakhan and Tula regions. Details can be found in the vacancies section on the company’s official website

The central office of the company RUSSALT is located at the address: Orenburg, st. Zwilling, 61/1.

By the way, once every two months, the Faces in Time Foundation conducts historical excursions to the building for Orenburg residents and guests of the city, where they talk about the architectural monument and the contribution of the family of the merchant Zaryvnov. And also about the current stage of the life of a cultural heritage object, which was carefully restored and given a new life by representatives of a new generation of entrepreneurs – the Cherny family.