The laboratory Russalt proved the high stability of iodine in salt


In Russia, the level of iodine deficiency remains high. One simple solution is the widespread use of salt enriched with iodine. However, iodized salt has not yet become widespread.

According to Rusprodsoyuz, the total volume of the iodized salt market in the Russian Federation is approximately 140 thousand tons per year and 10% of the edible salt market as a whole, another 10% is imported. “This volume is clearly not enough to solve the problem of iodine deficiency. That is why all edible salt must be iodized,” Leonov believes.

“In order to solve the problem of iodine deficiency, iodized salt should be added to ready-made food products and at least sold through key sales channels – retail chains. The production capabilities of domestic producers allow all edible salt to be iodized, and also cover all the needs of the Russian market,” he stressed.

The draft law “On the iodization of table salt in the Russian Federation” will be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but has not yet passed all stages of approval. One possible reason is the lack of awareness of the effects of iodized salt and the sustainability of the beneficial supplement. In particular, in connection with the Soviet past: if in the USSR very volatile potassium iodide was used and its widespread use was limited, then modern technologies allow the use of persistent potassium iodate. Experiments in the laboratories of the Russalt Society, the largest salt producer in Russia, which has its own patented iodine enrichment plants, have shown that iodized salt is stored longer and is less subject to heat treatment.

Elena Matveeva, Head of Metrology, Certification and Quality Department, Russalt

“Russalt uses a patented salt iodization technology that ensures uniform distribution of iodine in the product within the limits established by the requirements of GOST and TR TS. The essence of this technology is the intellectual property of the enterprise.

According to GOST, since 2018, a standard has been introduced for the shelf life of iodized salt – 18 months. We indicate this period on the packaging, and we also recommend storing salt in a dry, dark place. But studies have shown that our iodized products are not afraid of either the sun or heat, and their shelf life is much longer.”

According to the laboratory staff of the Russalt company, transparent packages of iodized salt have been lying in the laboratory under the influence of sunlight for at least three years. When the pack was opened, it turned out that the concentration of iodine was reduced within the normal range. In addition, products enriched with potassium iodate are stored in warehouses back in 2007-2008. Recent studies have confirmed that the iodine content of a pack of salt is maintained.

Marina Trofimova, head of the production and chemical laboratory of Russalt

“We also managed to refute the widespread myth that iodine added to salt completely evaporates during heat treatment. Firstly, the iodine-containing solution, which we add to the salt by injection, is stored at the enterprise at a constant temperature of at least 60 degrees Celsius. Secondly, our experiment showed that when the solution was heated, the concentration of iodine only increased.”

Iodized salt is shown to everyone without exception. Not only for diseases of the thyroid gland, but also for their prevention. The body takes as much iodine from salt as it needs, an overdose is practically impossible.

According to WHO, about 2 billion people on Earth today live in conditions of iodine deficiency. In Russia, insufficient iodine intake threatens the health of more than 100 million Russians, including 32.8 million children. Therefore, the consumption of iodized salt is beneficial for people of all ages.

The developments of the Orenburg company helped to introduce the production of a full cycle of iodized salt and make the product useful and affordable. Today “Russalt” uses four own patented salt iodization plants at the fields and has two modern European packing lines at the factories in Novomoskovsk and Usolye-Sibirsky.”Russalt” sells several types of iodized salt in order to maintain health every day and satisfy the need of Russians to saturate the body with a vital microelement.