The second stage of the Russian Sledge Hockey Championship ended in Orenburg


As part of the promotion and development of sledge hockey, from March 2 to March 9, the second stage of the Russian Sledge Hockey Championship of the 2020/2021 season among teams of masters was held in Orenburg at the Zvezdny Ice Palace. At the final game of the Orenburg “Hawks” with the Moscow team, Sergey Cherny, the director of the Russalt company, supported the guys.

Before the start of the match, Sergei Cherny met with the coaches and members of the Hawks team, including juniors. I was interested in how the rehabilitation of athletes, preparation for the games, participation in the finals of the Russian Championship is going.  Mikhail Chekmarev, Chairman of the Board of the Orenburg Regional Public Organization of the Disabled, SHK Yastreby, thanked the director of the Russalt company for supporting the sports movement. At the end of last year, it became known about the financial difficulties of the club’s children’s team. The club “Yastreby” announced the recruitment of children with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system for sledge hockey in 2018.  Mikhail Chekmarev, master of sports of international class, bronze medalist of the World Sledge Hockey Championship became the ideological inspirer and organizer of the children’s section. Then the Russalt company was one of the first to support young athletes. In order for the team to exist and participate in tournaments in 2021, new equipment was required, payment for the rent of the ice arena and the physical training hall, swimming lessons for the guys and the coach’s payment were needed. In total – almost 1.5 million rubles.

— Sergey Vasilievich decided to become the official partner of the children’s sledge hockey team “Yastreby”. The first tranche has already been transferred to the account of the organization, which will allow improving the training process and updating the equipment of young players in the new year. The team is confidently looking into the future, new sports horizons are opening up before us,” said the head of the Yastrebov.

At the closing of the tournament, Sergey Cherny discussed team support and the development of sledge hockey in Russia with Olga Semyonova, vice-president of the PODA Federation, three-time Paralympic champion in athletics.