The film of the Orenburg cadets “Salt of the Russian Land” became a participant of the All-Russian Film Festival


Cadets of the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School presented the documentary film “Salt of the Russian Land” to the competition of the All-Army Film Festival of Amateur Short Films “Cadet View”. Most of the filming took place at the Iletsk field of the Russalt company and on the salt lakes of Sol-Iletsk in the Orenburg region.

The film festival itself will be held from 12 to 15 October 2021 at the Kazan Suvorov Military School. This is the fifth festival of amateur short films and video works “Cadet View”, organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Students, teachers and educators of schools – authors of creative works performed individually or in study groups are involved in the Festival. It is worth noting that Orenburg cadets regularly win prizes in the competition.

The children’s film “Salt of the Russian Land” uses historical and real chronicles and photographs, tells about the use of salt in everyday life, in medicine, and in production. The red line is about the use of salt for the treatment of soldiers, the replenishment of provisions during hostilities, the historical significance of salt. After all, even the words “salt” and “soldier” are of the same root in origin.

The guys themselves participated in the filming and wrote the script under the strict guidance of teachers. The modern stages of salt production were filmed at the Iletsk deposit. The cadets were given a tour of the production complex “Russalt” and the resort “Salt Lakes”.

In the annotation to the film, young authors write: “Today it is important to distinguish military history from the history of military art, which means that there are territories in the Russian Federation where there is no military history. Nevertheless, cadets of the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School find unusual material and go to journey to the place that is associated with almost all the wars of the country over the past 300 years, and it is located in the Orenburg region.”

The company “Russalt” has already seen the creative work of the Orenburg cadets, presented for the competition program in the nomination “Documentary”, and highly appreciated the work done. “We are always happy to host representatives of the younger generation at our enterprises. Russalt employees often hold career guidance events and excursions for children, adolescents and young people, instilling love for work and respect for professions related to the salt industry. But cooperation with the cadets was especially exciting – the shooting and the resulting film pleasantly surprised us with a deep knowledge of the material and an interesting presentation of the topic on a historical basis, ”said Galina Baeva, consultant of the film, press secretary of Russalt .