Six signs of a lack of salt in the body


In the TOP of federal news – a statement by a well-known specialist in professional circles about the inadmissibility of salt deficiency in the diet of Russians. Gastroenterologist, nutritionist at the Central Clinical Hospital “RZD-Medicine” Natalya Stukova named six signs that indicate a lack of salt in the body of an adult.

According to her, a lack of salt in the diet can lead to physical ailment and health problems. The physician noted that the product is necessary for the body, since it takes part in metabolic processes at the cell level. The minerals contained in salt maintain the balance of electrolytes, which include sodium.

“Signs of a lack of salt in the body can be headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, disruption of the heart, unstable hemodynamics,” the doctor said.

When choosing salt for food, pay attention to where and by whom it is produced, experts advise. The largest salt producer in Russia, the Russalt company, today produces several types of salt mined at deposits in the Irkutsk, Astrakhan and Orenburg regions. In Sol-Iletsk, salt mined by the mine method is equated to sea salt. Since in ancient times the so-called Perm Sea was located on this territory. But, unlike salt mined in modern seas littered with microplastics, Iletsk salt   is impeccably clean and healthy.

The salt produced in our region under the trademarks “Iletskaya” and “Sea salt” is not only marked with Russian quality marks and received awards at international exhibitions, but also has an additional set of microelements. Salt-Iletsk salt, for example, contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant included by Russian scientists in the “antiviral cocktail” along with zinc and vitamin D. “A study by the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the presence of this mineral in Russalt products, ; – says Elena Matveeva, Head of the Department of Metrology, Certification and Quality of the Iletsksol Center, & nbsp; – There are 17 micrograms of selenium per kilogram of Iletsk salt of the highest grade. When combined with other products, such as fish, meat, nuts and cereals, the salt of the Iletsk deposit allows you to replenish the daily balance of selenium consumption.

However, when using salt in food, it is necessary to remember the maximum consumption rates. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), adults need sodium in the amount of no more than two grams per day, which corresponds to five grams of table salt. By balancing your diet and paying attention to the benefits of products, you can restore the balance of microelements in the body and avoid deficiency, while maintaining and strengthening your health.