Salt lakes attract filmmakers from all over Russia


The press service of the Russalt company, the largest salt producer in Russia, extracting salt in the Irkutsk, Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, said that this year salt lakes and industrial facilities of the salt industry are especially popular with film crews.

Recently, a fascinating program about the cities of Russia of the scientific society “Knowledge” “From Russia with Love: Astrakhan” was aired, a fragment of which you can see here:

“This is some kind of Naples or Venice …” – this is how Vasily Surikov described Astrakhan back in 1901.

Astrakhan is:  

– 45 bridges

– the first salted herring in Russia

– and, of course, the “All-Russian Astrakhan salt shaker” – Lake Baskunchak!

From Russia with Love: Astrakhan tells the story of salt mining. Since 1882, this healthy and tasty food supplement from Baskunchak has been mined and transported throughout the country. Salt in this lake is self-planting. How much was mined – so much was formed again. In the Astrakhan region, Russalt is considered the largest and most advanced enterprise.

Just imagine:

– 15 cars of salt are loaded here in 10 hours

– 1000 tons per hour

– More than 100 wagons of finished salt per day.

The lion’s share of the salt produced at the Baskunchakskoye deposit is technical, but edible salt is also shipped here in large volumes.

And at the end of September, on the Baskunchak salt lake, the shooting of the feature film “White Road!” directed by Ella Manzheeva. “The name of the project is a Kalmyk wish that is said before the road or an important matter so that there are no obstacles and problems on the way,” said the producers of the film from the Telesto Film television company. & nbsp; – The hero of the tape Aldar, a successful rapper, he needs to return home to find his mother, who disappeared in the steppe. According to the plot, they will have to find each other again and together go through the path that they did not have time to go through during her lifetime. The creative team of the film spends this week of filming in a very special place – at the sacred mountain for Kalmyks Bogdo, which is located in the steppe next to the white salt lake Baskunchak, where the Russalt Society mines and produces.

Not so long ago, the shooting and the program “Magic of Taste” of the TV channel “My Planet” with Anton Zaitsev, who travels the world and tastes the national cuisine of different countries, were completed. The popular presenter not only got acquainted with the unique production of salt on the largest drainless salt lake in Russia, but also cooked fish in Astrakhan style right in the middle of the white expanses of Baskunchak. In November, all residents of Russia will be able to watch the program – from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka.

Editing is going to the final  children’s documentary film “Salt of the Russian Land”, filmed at the Russalt enterprise of the Iletsk field and on the salt lakes of Sol-Iletsk by young cadets of the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School. The film will be submitted to the All-Army Film Festival of amateur short films “Cadet View”, which will be held in Kazan in mid-October this year.