Russalt employee named Woman of the Year 2021


Non the eve of the celebration of International Women’s Day, the solemn award ceremony “Woman of the Year 2021” was held at the Center for Cultural Development of the Sol-Iletsk City District. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the successes of the best representatives of the Sol-Iletsk land, to express respect and appreciation for their work, for high achievements in various fields of activity. An employee of one of the enterprises of the company “Russalt” Zulfiya Zhusuvalieva was awarded in the nomination “Woman in Production”. & nbsp;


Since 2014, Zulfiya Sarsengalievna has been working as a stacker-packer at the Iletsksol Central House of Salt Processing Plant. In the team, she is respected for high-quality, responsible and efficient work. She takes an active part in the industrial and social life of the factory, she is always ready to share her experience and support her colleagues. For all the time of work, she has trained many new employees who conscientiously do their job. In addition, Zulfiya Zhusuvalieva is a mother of many children, she and her husband are raising four children.


The award in the nomination “Woman in Production” was solemnly presented to an employee of Russalt by the head of the municipality “Sol-Iletsk urban district” Alexei Kuzmin. The winners of the “Women of the Year-2021” were determined in 7 nominations, they were 16 sol-ilechans.