“Russalt”: career guidance for children and adults


The largest salt producer in Russia – OOO Russalt – one of the tasks of the company’s social programs has chosen the implementation of career guidance events for children and youth, as well as for those who are ready to change their profession and gain new knowledge. Regularly at all production sites of Russalt there are introductory tours, meetings with company employees, the stages of salt production are described in detail.

Salt lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region is perhaps the most popular facility of Russalt, where salt is mined, processed and produced. Films and television programs are filmed here, students do their internships, tourists and vacationers enthusiastically follow the work of the stacker-reclaimer, salt harvesters, huge tractors. But the most grateful, enthusiastic and active participants of excursions at the production site are, of course, schoolchildren. So, recently, students of the 6th and 7th grades of the local Nizhnebaskunchak school visited the Bassol. For many children, relatives and friends work, as they say here, “salt workers”. The head of the salt factory, Yury Donskoy, introduced the children to the peculiarities of production.

The children were shown and told the whole technology of salt processing – from collection and washing to packaging and transportation throughout the country.

“The children were impressed by the gigantic machines that are used in this laborious process”

say school teachers.

“Many children saw the place of work of their parents for the first time and got to know the work of salt miners better. We also visited the museum and learned a lot about the history of the salt industry. This excursion left wonderful impressions, and children will remember it for a long time.”

The Nizhnebaskunchak school participates in the implementation of a working education program for students in grades 6-7 and expresses gratitude to the Russalt Society for the opportunity to provide career guidance for teenagers and motivate them to get professions that are in demand today.

In another region of Russia, where the company is mining – in the Irkutsk region – at the Usolye – an introductory tour was held for a group of students studying under the professional training program “Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis” as part of the implementation of the federal project “Promotion of Employment”.

The intersectoral center for advanced training and retraining of specialists of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University addressed Russalt with a request to organize career guidance events. The students of the course, oriented towards getting a new profession, got acquainted with the work of the laboratory and the salt factory. Such excursions provide an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the work of leading companies and enterprises, but also a chance to get a job. So, during the meeting with the course participants, the staff of the HR department asked questions and invited one of the students of the course of the Interdisciplinary Center of the Irkutsk Technical University for an interview.

The teacher of the Center Tatyana Sokolova noted that they were not only introduced to the tasks of laboratory assistants, but also showed in practice how analyzes are carried out to determine iodine in iodized salt, water hardness indicators in the boiler room, salinity of the extracted brine, etc. are checked.

“Such events help to get acquainted with the profession in practice, to feel one’s belonging to it”

– noted the students of the course.

For Russalt, such excursions are an additional opportunity to replenish the staff, orient children and adolescents to obtain working professions that are so in demand today, instill a love for work and show in practice how a modern, environmentally friendly, important for the country and population production works.

Recall that today Russalt is engaged in the extraction and processing of food and industrial salt at the most powerful deposits in the Irkutsk, Orenburg and Astrakhan regions, and the largest salt mining company has a modernized modern production facility in Novomoskovsk and a central management office in Orenburg. The Russalt Society is a stable operating company, known not only in Russia but also abroad, with over 1,200 employees throughout the country.