Russalt named the most demanded vacancy


At the Orenburg central office of the largest salt producer in Russia, as well as at the production site in Sol-Iletsk, vacancies for technical specialists and personnel officers are open. The most popular in the line of requests from “Russalt” when applying for a job is the profession of an engineer. Civil engineers, power engineers, geologists – all these specialties are in demand at the modern production of a salt mining and processing company in the Orenburg, Irkutsk, Tula, Astrakhan regions. Today in Orenburg three vacancies from among engineers are opened at once.

One of the advantages of working in the company is that the factories are built and equipped with the latest technology, which corresponds to the latest achievements of science and technology, taking into account the best practices of European companies in the field of production.

The central office of Russalt in Orenburg

Job Requirements:

  • higher technical education in the field of “Engineering and Technology of Construction” (including graduates of 2020 – 2021, as well as students studying in the magistracy in the profile);
  • experience and / or knowledge in the development of reinforced concrete structures, metal structures is desirable;
  • ability to work with software products Auto CAD, Compass;
  • participation in the preparation of assignments for the development of project documentation;
  • collection of initial data for design, carrying out natural inspection and measurement of structures using measuring instruments, if necessary, with the involvement of specialists from interested services;
  • participation in the collection of initial data for design;
  • requirements from the performers of work to comply with the decisions made in the developed technical documentation in the manufacture of parts, equipment, construction of structures.

Employer offer:

Salary from 50,000 ₽, five-day working week from 9:00 to 18:00, social package, trade union activities, the possibility of advanced training and training at the expense of the employer.


The central office of Russalt in Orenburg

Job Requirements:

  • higher education in the field of construction, work experience of at least 1 year is desirable and inclusion in the National Register of specialists in the field of construction;
  • knowledge of reporting on KS-2, KS-3, technical, design estimates and other documentation;
  • work in programs: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Grand estimate;
  • knowledge of normative documents in the field of construction;
  • implementation of technical supervision over the performance of construction and installation works and acceptance of completed objects from contracting construction organizations, verification of as-built documentation;
  • verification and acceptance of forms KS-2, KS-3 for the scope of work performed.
  • preparation of technical specifications, design assignments, obtaining initial permits and approvals;
  • participation in the development, verification and approval of project documentation, in the formation of a business plan;
  • preparation, analysis of tender documentation. Selection of contractors. drawing up contracts, additional agreements, work schedules and financing;
  • interaction with the authorities of the State Construction Supervision, Rostekhnadzor.

Employer offer:

Salary from 50,000 ₽, five-day working week from 9:00 to 18:00, social package, trade union activities, the possibility of advanced training and training at the expense of the employer.


TsDPS Iletsksol Russalt in Sol-Iletsk

Job Requirements:

  • higher geological (mining and technical) education (without experience, graduates of universities are considered, as well as students studying in the magistracy in the profile);
  • it is necessary to maintain geological documentation provided for by the instruction;
  • ensure sampling of water and brine for chemical analysis;
  • measure the levels of ground and surface waters;

participate in the preparation of hydrogeological materials for project documentation, in the engineering-geological survey of the surface of the deposit and mine workings with the proper registration of its results, in the preparation of a mining development plan, etc.

Employer offer:

Salary from 50,000 ₽, five-day working week from 9:00 to 18:00, social package, trade union activities, the possibility of advanced training and training at the expense of the employer. Work – in the city of Sol-Iletsk, housing is provided for non-residents.


The central office of Russalt in Orenburg

Job Requirements:

  • higher education in the profile “Personnel Management”, “Jurisprudence” (including graduates of 2020 – 2021, as well as students studying in the magistracy in the profile);
  • search and selection of personnel;
  • accounting and staffing of the staff of the company;
  • ability to work with information resources for personnel search, calling candidates, organizing interviews;
  • full knowledge of the KDP: admission, transfer, dismissal, scheduling vacations, registration of all types of vacations, business trips, sick leaves, registration and maintenance of personal files, employee cards, maintaining timesheets, reporting to the FIU, CZN.
  • interaction with government agencies that control employment issues and compliance with labor laws.

Employer offer:

Salary from 40.000 ₽, five-day working week from 9:00 to 18:00, social package, trade union activities, the possibility of advanced training and training at the expense of the employer.

More than 1,200 people work in the offices and enterprises of the company today. The task of Russalt is to develop industrial and human potential, provide all divisions with highly qualified and motivated employees, as well as create the best atmosphere and working conditions for them, contributing to the successful implementation of the company’s strategy.

The management constantly analyzes the work with the personnel, incl. motivation and reward systems. Monthly and annual bonuses are provided.

Russalt is open to graduates of higher educational institutions and declares its readiness to accept young professionals with excellent theoretical knowledge, initiative, with a great desire to work and realize themselves in the profession. In addition, the Company provides young specialists and trainees in a number of areas of presence with the opportunity to live in a hostel.

For employment questions, please contact the Human Resources Department of Russalt by phone 8 (3532) 34-23-53 or by e-mail