“Russalt” in the top 5 categories of products with a quality mark


The day before, Roskachestvo calculated which product categories had the most goods marked by it. The products of Russalt have five Quality Marks among various types of edible salt at once – this is a kind of record among manufacturers.

Recall that the Russian Quality Mark is a registered trademark, the copyright holder of which is the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. The register of goods that received the Quality Mark is posted on the Roskachestvo portal and in the mobile application. In order to get the right to apply the Quality Mark on the packaging, the product must successfully pass a rolling study, and the manufacturer must pass the Roskachestvo certification.

The quality mark is not assigned to goods forever. The certificate of conformity (and with it the right to mark products with the Quality Mark) is issued for three years. Control over certified products is carried out by the certification body during the entire period of validity of the certificate.


sliced bread

There are 10 products in this category, including classic bread and loaves produced in Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Vologda, Tula, Kostroma and Smolensk regions.


One of the most popular studies of Roskachestvo. There are 9 products in this category with the Quality Mark. Among them are the famous Khortitsa, Stolichnaya, Moscow special and others. Produced vodka with the Quality Mark in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in Tatarstan, Mordovia, Ulyanovsk and St. Petersburg.

mayonnaise olive

6 Quality Marks were assigned to various TMs of olive mayonnaise produced in Moscow, Tatarstan, Belgorod and Nizhny Novgorod regions.


In Tatarstan, Belgorod and Tula regions, 5 TM of ketchup with the Quality Mark were produced. These are the familiar Calve, Mr.Ricco and Sloboda.


5 more Quality Marks for different types of edible salt. All marked goods are produced by the manufacturer Russalt from the Orenburg region, which manufactures products under different names. The quality mark is given to both classic table iodized salt and sea salt.

Recall that the Russalt company is the largest salt producer in Russia, uniting three of the most powerful salt deposits in the country – Iletskoye, Usolye-Sibirskoye and Baskunchakskoye, as well as a modern salt processing plant in the Tula region.