Rusprodsoyuz said that the edible salt market in Russia could grow up to 2%


Association of manufacturers and suppliers of food products “Rusprodsoyuz”  expects an increase in the production of edible salt in Russia in 2021 by 1.5-2% compared to the figure for 2020, to 1.47-1.48 million tons. This was announced to TASS by the executive director of the association Dmitry Vostrikov.

“According to our forecasts, the edible salt market in 2021 will grow by 1.5-2% in volume terms and by the end of 2021 will amount to about 1.47-1.48 million tons,” he said.

Speaking about the price situation on the market, Vostrikov noted that there are prerequisites for an increase in the cost of salt production, which is associated with an increase in the cost of packaging almost twice compared to 2020. “However, domestic producers keep prices at a stable level, while imported salt is becoming more expensive. This situation has a negative impact on the financial situation of the industry,” said the head of the association.

According to Rusprodsoyuz, at the end of 2020, the edible salt market in Russia amounted to 1.45 million tons, an increase of 1.64% compared to 2019. The share of Russian producers was 63%, which is 1.7% higher indicators for 2019. The main factor that influenced the increase in the market share of domestic producers was the decline in prices in all segments of edible salt, Rusprodsoyuz added.

The main importers of salt to Russia last year were Belarus (deliveries decreased by 2.65%, to 312.3 thousand tons), Kazakhstan (decrease by 5.04%, to 185.5 thousand tons), Azerbaijan (a decrease of almost 6%, to 21.4 thousand tons), Turkey (an increase of 34.92%, to 17 thousand tons), Iran (an increase of 91.39%, to 2 thousand tons). ***

Rusprodsoyuz is a trade union of food producers and suppliers, an intersectoral organization that brings together producers and suppliers of food products, regardless of their range and turnover from Central Russia and the North-Western regions, South and the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East. Currently, Rusprodsoyuz includes more than 400 manufacturers and suppliers of food products.