Martial arts center opened in Orenburg


The new sports complex in the North-Eastern residential district of Orenburg is one of the most anticipated sports events of the spring. The martial arts center was built and donated to the city by a private investor – the Russalt company. Its construction took almost five years. The center is named after the coach, the founder of the development of karate in Orenburg, Eduard Nikolaevich  Tsoi, it will house sports school No. 11.

A sports facility unique for Orenburg was built in the classical style of Japanese datsens. The Center has a large sports arena that meets international standards, as well as a functional training hall, locker rooms with showers for athletes, medical and administrative offices.

The symbolic red ribbon in front of the Center for Martial Arts was cut by Director of Russalt Sergey Cherny and Vice Governor, Deputy Prime Minister of the Orenburg Region Dmitry Kulagin. President of the All-Style Karate Federation of Russia Ramil Gabbasov, Deputy of the State Duma, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, partners of the Center, representatives of the Ministry of Sports and City Sports, eminent athletes spoke at the opening of the Center.

Toshio Yamamoto, Minister and Head of the Information Department of the Embassy of Japan in Russia, became a special guest of the opening ceremony. He noted the long-term cooperation of the embassy with the Orenburg region and called the opening of the Center another page of joint work.

 -The center will provide sports training for more than 800 athletes in various areas of martial arts. I am sure that this center can become a great venue for future events in the framework of the Japanese-Russian tournaments,” said Yamamoto.

On the basis of the sports school, departments of all-style karate, taekwondo, kyokushin, kobudo, sambo and others will be opened.

 — I am grateful to the members of the Russalts Board of Directors who supported me with the construction. We have built and donate this Center to the city. At our request, sports school No. 11 will be located here. I hope it will become a second home for the children,  Sergey Cherny noted.

Sergei Cherny himself took part in the opening ceremony, demonstrating the art of handling the Japanese katana ball. Sergei Cherny also said that Eduard Tsoi had trained him for a long time and was his teacher. According to the entrepreneur, plans to create such a school appeared during the lifetime of the teacher.

– Trainers have already been selected – both local and from other regions. These are enthusiastic people, fans of their work. Classes for many children will be free of charge here, – Sergey Cherny said. – We donate this building to the city, and the administration has no right to use it for other purposes. This is written in the terms of the contract.

– Special thanks to the head of the company “Russalt” Sergey Vasilyevich Cherny for building and donating such a sports facility to the regional center, that it was decided to develop here, in addition to martial arts, our Russian type – sambo, – said the Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Orenburg region Sergey Salmin. – I am glad for the residents of this densely populated microdistrict, because boys and girls have the opportunity to attend sports clubs within walking distance.

In honor of the opening of the Martial Arts Center and the municipal  school, young athletes presented Sergey Cherny with a big birthday cake, which was treated to all guests of the holiday after the official part.

Director of the sports school   Nikolai Karpov received a symbolic key to the building of the Center from the hands of Sergei Cherny.

– Everything is fine with the budget for this project. About 14 million rubles are planned for these purposes. This is a serious object and an example of municipal-private partnership, which President Vladimir Putin spoke about. We need more such entrepreneurs and create fewer problems for them, take responsibility and build relationships,” said  Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Orenburg Administration Ranit Yusupbaev.

According to the mayor’s office, a municipal task will be planned for the Center in the near future. About 300-400 athletes will train here for free, according to federal standards. There will be several sections of martial arts to choose from.

The Martial Arts Center opened with demonstration performances by guests from Moscow – the Wushu Wudangpai school led by Alexander Tsui. The show was continued by representatives of the federations of judo, all-style karate, aikido, Philippine martial arts, taekwondo, kobudo and other martial arts.

The construction of the Martial Arts Center began in November 2017. The investor is Russalt, the Company signed a donation agreement with the head of Orenburg back in 2016.

Initially, the project was planned to be handed over in August 2018. However, in order to complete the construction stages at a higher level and comply with all measures for the quality and safety of the building, a change of unscrupulous contractors was required, as well as new tenders for certain types of work. In addition, there have been changes in the leadership of the city. The terms for putting the facility into operation were revised by agreement of the partner parties.

Center of martial arts named after. Tsoi is located at the address: Orenburg, st. Salmyshskaya, 34/2. Excursions are organized for everyone who wants to visit the object. The Center will work in full force from September 2021, when all groups in the federations will be formed.

Based on materials from Orenburg Media, IA TASS, Rossiyskaya Gazeta