Congratulations on Victory Day


Russalt Society congratulates everyone on May 9, Victory Day! Dear veterans, we wish you good health and strength!
May 9, 1945 – important  date in national history.
Eternal memory to the soldiers who did not return from the battles of the Great Patriotic War. A tribute to those who survived, who worked in the rear, bringing this bright day closer, who endured the hardships of the post-war years. Every year we move further and further away from May 1945. But our memory is alive.

Our company is engaged in  not only by the production and sale of salt, but also actively & supports socially oriented programs. And people of respectable age are always in the zone of our special  attention. Every year we meet with   participants of the Second World War, home front workers, & nbsp; families of those who died during the war.

from the interregional trade union of salt industry workers, and from the management  “Russalt” company – financial assistance.

Unfortunately, many of our dear  veterans are no longer alive. We remember and honor all those who are no longer with us on such a memorable day.

Happy Holidays! Happy Victory Day!