Russalt Ltd. takes part in a conference, devoted to World Quality Day



On 19 November, 2013 within the frameworks of the World Quality Day was held the regional conference of managers and specialists in quality control. Slogan of the conference was: “Better experience for better life”.  Specialists from Russalt Ltd. department of metrologystandardization and certification participated in the conference.

 The conference was started by speakers for the Orenburg region ministries of Agriculture, Food Manufacturing and Processing Industry, for Economic Development, Industrial policy and Commerce. Managers from Administration of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare; federal state-funded institution “Orenburg Standardization, Metrology, and Certification Center”, which is the largest certification institutional body of Privolzhskyi region and managers from compliance monitoring authorities, public sector entities and industrial enterprises gave talks. 

They were talking about vital issues, work experience, prospects of quality control field as a system. Technical regulation of the Customs union and its pending issues became a cross-cutting issue of the conference.  Attention of the participants was also drawn to analytical data, provided by the speakers. The results of Iletsksol Production Chemical Laboratory were highly assessed during the report of an expert regarding the competence of quality and control, which is performed by production laboratories of the regional enterprises.  These results are achieved with the help of close cooperation with metrology department of the enterprise and due to the fact that management is fully aware of the quality significance in the manufacturing process.