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Logistics and equipment of the educational process

Russalt owns separate property accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and is liable for its obligations with this property. The material and technical support of educational activities in the UKK is carried out at the expense of Russalt.

The Society has classrooms, metalwork and repair shops. The classrooms are equipped with visual aids: video films, a mannequin (for resuscitation) – the Anna simulator, technical literature, sets of posters “Means of protection in electrical installations”, “First aid in emergency situations”, devices, computers and multimedia equipment. In the classroom, teachers use the Consultant Plus legal reference system, educational video instructions of Ekonavt in the learning process.

All classrooms of the UKK are united in a local network, which allows the use of network technologies in the educational process and the use of unified databases. Computers in the classroom are equipped with audio speakers for displaying dynamic posters, visual aids, educational videos, and presentations.

Information about the material support of educational activities

Phone number
8 (35336) 3-69-56
Head of the Training course center
Ekaterina Petrovna
Methodist of the Training course center
Olga Vitalievna