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Russalt implements additional vocational education and vocational training.

Additional professional education programs:

  • Professional development programs are aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activities, and (or) improving the professional level within the framework of existing qualifications.
  • Professional retraining programs are aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification.

Terms of mastering additional professional programs:

  • advanced training programs – from 16 to 72 hours, 72 hours and more;
  • professional retraining programs – from 250 hours to 500 hours, from 500 hours and more.

Professional training programs:

  • Vocational training programs for the professions of workers and positions of employees – vocational training for persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker or position of an employee;
  • Retraining programs for workers and employees – vocational training for persons who already have the profession of a worker, the profession of workers or the position of an employee, positions of employees, in order to obtain a new profession of a worker or a new position of an employee, taking into account the needs of production, the type of professional activity;
  • Advanced training programs for workers and employees vocational training for persons who already have a worker’s profession, a worker’s profession or a position of an employee, positions of employees, in order to consistently improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing worker’s profession or the existing position of an employee without increasing the educational level.

The terms for mastering vocational training programs depend on the specifics of the profession being prepared.

Forms of education: training is conducted in full-time, part-time forms.

Education at Russalt is carried out in Russian.



Phone number
8 (35336) 3-69-56
Head of the Training course center
Ekaterina Petrovna
Methodist of the Training course center
Olga Vitalievna